
The Cover

Your vision board will slip into the plastic protected cover and serve as a constant reminder of what you’re doing and where you’re going.


The Contents

Inside the cover flap, insert a list of your current goals “by the numbers” as a quick and constant reminder. The pages in The Daily Book consist of two types: 1) Daily Sheet 2) Images of Goals


The Daily Book is all about achieving and maintaining daily focus. We have to pursue our goals and submit to what needs to be done to accomplish them…daily! It’s like taking a shower or working out. Maintaining focus and reminding your brain is the foundational habit required and to do so…well, you need a system. The Daily Book works beautifully! A simple three-ring binder and a thoughtfully created vision board printed and placed inside the protected cover is the sum of your supplies. And viola!

Creating an effective vision board:

  1. Save images you find online, in magazines or from other sources. Ideally, and for simplicity’s sake, find all online and save as jpeg files. The images can be very literal of an item or destination, or an image can represent a feeling or level of confidence you’d like to experience.

  2. Place the images on an 8.5x11 layout (via Adobe Illustrator or in Canva) and save the document as a pdf.

  3. Print your board and bring your Daily Book to life! Literally.

  4. Keep the layout saved on your desktop and save an image of it to your phone, for quick access. Keep it front and center!

  5. You can build a vision board for the month, quarter or year. You can also design your life with these images and by doing this at a “life level”, your vision board becomes a life board.

  6. A life board is my favorite approach. I’ve built many vision boards! My life board is the most recent and boy do I have stories behind the images - some became reality in rather miraculous ways. In ways you could have never predicted! Others are becoming part of my reality now…. I’ve proven to myself how powerfully a vision board manifests time and again. I’ll never stop using this tool to focus my mind and heart on the life I want to experience. You should too!


The Daily Sheet

It is customizable while the key elements of it are your goals, the title of the book you are currently reading, a contribution you intend to make that day (do something for someone else!), your affirmations and most importantly, the Daily Report for scoring your activity for the day.



Define your current goals by the measurable numbers that define their finish lines or completion. Create a Word document to keep in the front inside cover flap of your Daily Book as a numerical reminder and rundown of those goals. Again, your life is taking shape every moment of every day according to the thoughts that dominate your mind. This numerical tool is a dramatic way to laser in on the specific goals you’re working toward right now.

The Daily Sheet is held by the three-rings (so, you’ll need a three-hole punch for refilling and keeping the book on track and updated). The Daily Sheet is provided to all Agent06 employees. It gives you the opportunity every morning to sit for 5 minutes to write your goals, intentions, reading and affirmations IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING. To say this is a powerful habit is to understate and minimize it. Few things are more potent than writing a goal down in your own handwriting (and of course speaking it out loud with confidence). The Daily Sheet is the most important part of this puzzle!

Include some pages of images that represent key goals in your life, at this moment in time. These images could range from an outfit you love to the renovation project you hope to complete to a travel destination. Insert these images in the book to be viewed before you turn to your Daily Sheet for the day. It’s easy to ignore the vision board on the cover each day, while it’s impossible to miss the pages you must turn to reveal your Daily Sheet.

These contents are designed to set you up for success. It takes allot of humility, smarts and a genuine hunger for a better life to build this book and use it daily. The world tells you not to be vulnerable and that “hey, you’ve got this” but you know the thoughts that really run through your mind. The doubts. The insecurities. Your Daily Book is a weapon to fight the good fight in your mind.

The idea is to design the life you want. The genius in directing your thoughts is in accepting that what you think about becomes real - whether you like or intend for it to or not. Your sub-conscious mind is immeasurably powerful. It directs every detail of your life. So, take your mind back. The noise around will, at best, spin you in circles. With a Daily Book and the discipline to use it daily, you are exponentially more likely to create an incredible life. Without it, all bets are off. You’re at the whim of the emotional ups and downs and the drama that swirls around us all. With the Daily Book, you are the eye of the storm - calm, focused and seemingly unaffected by the hurricane of chaos called life.

Do “The Daily”, friends. Do it.